Red Light District

| 8 September 2018 | Hotspots

Explanation unnecessary I guess. Obviously this is the most popular hotspot for many of the tourists. To make it easy I’ll give you an address which will navigate you straight to the heart of our ‘Area 51’. Here is a Google Maps link and if you want to copy and paste: Oudezijds Achterburgwal 37, Amsterdam. Have a […]



| 8 September 2018 | Hotspots

A big green part of Amsterdam just very close to the city centre. Not allowed for scooters (you’ll get a fine caught driving here) and heaven for bikers (no cars and scooters). Inhabitants of Amsterdam use this park for a walk with the dog, a sportive activity (jogging, boxing, bootcamp, running, yoga), a ‘walk-in-the-park’, a […]

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